
Designed by: Anthony Conta

FUNemployed is a party game where each player takes turns being interviewer and the other players are interviewees. The catch is that the applicants have to incorporate a number of – usually highly inappropriate – character traits into their argument for getting the job, which come in the form of cards – for instance, one might apply to be a school nurse and have to explain away their pyromania or habit of speaking bluntly,

The game can be played a number of different ways, with players fighting over the cards before the ‘interview’ or simply dealt a hand that they reveal as they talk, and have to incorporate into their patter as they go (this is the best version, we feel!)

The interviewer chooses the winner of each round, but it’s one of those games where the winning almost feels irrelevant – it’s about the silliness inherent in playing it.

Sam says

I think this is a more interesting game than the not-entirely-dissimilar Cards Against Humanity. Whereas the latter functions through its sheer will to be inappropriate/offensive, Cards Against Humanity doesn't actually ask anything of the players. In FUNemployed you're active: forced to be imaginative, constructive, and contribute to the play. It's not a game I pine for, but once in a blue moon it can be quite fun.

The guru's verdict

  • Take That!

    Take That!

    None really, unless you really wanted that fictional job.

  • Fidget Factor!

    Fidget Factor!

    Very little.

  • Brain Burn!

    Brain Burn!

    There is a sense of pressure in having to 'perform' albeit nothing here will go on your CV. But the rules are very very light.

  • Again Again!

    Again Again!

    It depends how late the evening is...