Piou Piou

Designed by: Thierry Chapeau

Piou Piou is one of a number of children’s card games from the publisher Djeco. They have simple rules and are easy to pick up and play. With Piou Piou, players are racing to be first to hatch three chicks.

Everyone is dealt a hand of cards and the remainder is placed on the table. Cards may be rooster, hen, nest, or fox. On your turn you have a number of actions you can do, depending on what cards you have. You can cash in a rooster/hen/nest combo to take an egg card and place it in front of you. If you already have an egg card, you can hatch it by playing two hens, turning the egg card flip-side up so it reveals a chick. You can steal an egg from an opponent by playing a fox card – and the opponent can counter – if possible – by playing two roosters.

If you can’t do any of these things, you dump a card and pick a new one up from the deck. First to hatch three chicks is the winner.

Sam says

It's fine for what it is - a simple card game to get kids started. But some children won't appreciate their eggs being stolen, whilst others may find the cards work against them. And older kids will quickly tire of it. I do think there are better introductions to play out there that will engage the whole family.

The guru's verdict

  • Take That!

    Take That!

    Some - eggs can be stolen (although chicks can't)

  • Fidget Factor!

    Fidget Factor!

    Low. There's nothing that should keep you waiting too long between turns.

  • Brain Burn!

    Brain Burn!


  • Again Again!

    Again Again!

    Adults may find the game repetitive, but youngsters may enjoy it for the same reason.