- Learning time
- 10 minutes
- First play time
- 40 minutes
Designed by: Ludovic Maublanc
Ca$h ‘n Guns is a table-reading, luck-pushing game of cash… and guns. The game comes with eight of the things, fortunately made from rubber rather than metal. Every player takes a gun along with eight bullet cards – five of which say click, and three of which say Bang!
The goal is to gather the most cash, and at the start of every round eight loot cards are flipped to reveal what’s up for grabs. Most are cash, but there are also diamonds, paintings, and the odd special card available.
One player will start as boss. Everyone plays a bullet card to the table face-down, before the boss counts down from three. On zero, everyone points their gun at an opponent! At this point everyone – simultaneously again – can decide to drop out of the round to avoid taking a hit. Then the bullet cards are revealed. Click cards have no effect, but anyone on the sharp end of a Bang! card takes a wound token, and is out of the round. Three wounds means you’re out of the game!
All remaining players share the loot, starting with the boss and going clockwise around the table. The special cards mentioned earlier can be grabbed for extra Bang! cards or the ability to shed a couple of wounds. You can choose to not take a loot card in order to take the position of Boss instead. After a number of rounds, the game ends and scores are totalled up. The player with the most diamonds gets a $60k bonus, paintings are worth more depending on how many you have, and cash is cash,..
Richest player wins! (Assuming they didn’t die)
It's ALL Take That!
Minimal - outside of sharing the loot, everyone's involved at all times.
The only brain-burning here is figuring out what everyone's up to - and maybe keeping tabs on how many Bang cards people have left. It's a game of table-reading and bluff, that may encourage a bit of coffee-housing.
If you like waving a fake gun in your friend's faces, why not? Plus there are player powers you can add to the basic game described above, to give a little more depth/idiocy.
Sam says
It's not a game I long to play over and over, but for the right time, with the right people - those who don't mind a bit of imaginary assassination - it's a blast. Being the Boss is good because you can politely ask someone to point their gun elsewhere, and you get first dibs on the loot as well. But as a result, being the Boss makes you more of a target... silly, fast-moving fun.