- Learning time
- 5 minutes
- First play time
- 45 minutes
Designed by: Kasper Lapp
Fun Facts is a co-operative party game where general knowledge is not a requirement. Instead, you choose every answer yourself, based on your own preferences!
Each player is given a marker and a chevron on which they write their name. Over eight rounds, a question card is revealed asking the players a hypothetical question, such as How much money would you need to be paid to work for a year at an Antarctic research station, or a ‘factual’ one such as How long have you been participating in your favourite hobby. The questions always require a numerical answer, so everyone writes their own down on the back of their chevron, then take turns placing them name-side up, so as not to reveal the answers.
The placing of chevrons happens one at a time around the table, establishing a column of chevrons. When you place yours you can put it anywhere in the column, but the collective goal is to establish them – we hope! – in ascending order. Once everyone has added their chevron, the starting player (and the starting player only) has the option of moving theirs to a new position, and then they are revealed starting at the bottom!
The ideal is that each flipped chevron will be a higher number, but of course that isn’t necessarily what happens, and the fun of Fun Facts isn’t in the scoring (although getting a perfect column feels great!) but the interesting surprises and discussions it throws up by way of everyone’s answers. You think you know someone, and then it turns out they would love being stuck in the Antarctic for a year…
None - players, despite the secrecy, are actually working together.
Extremely low.
Your own answers are your own answers and shouldn't take too long to decide on. Then the organising of the column is about how much you know people - or don't!
A big deck of cards ensures you'll get a large number of games before any repeat - by which time you've probably forgotten your last answer and almost certainly forgotten everyone else's, assuming you're even playing with the same people.
Sam says
A game that manages to be bizarre, dumb and fascinating all at the same time, which to my mind is a bona fide hit. I love games where player input is more than playing cards or moving pieces, but instead accessing the deeper, subjective recesses of our minds. Like Wavelength Fun Facts is less interested in what points you score and more interested in how our minds function, where our preferences lie and even what our perception of reality is - and why. Sometimes the context of a question can be tricky to establish (- am I in the Antarctic by myself? - Can I take my family? - What is my job there??) - but for me, that's part of the fun. Groups that prefer 'cleaner' information could feasibly agree on clarifications before writing their answer, I guess. I like the opacity here. Great fun, if not hugely factual.