Knit Wit

Designed by: Matt Leacock

Knit Wit takes the games’ props of pegs, string and spools and turns them into a rather sweet word game.

Everyone takes a number of spools and strings (how many depends on how many players you have) and on your turn you add a string to the central area – surrounding at least one previously-placed spool – and then put a spool inside any string area that doesn’t already have one. Each spool has a number, and each string will have a word – drawn randomly – attached to it. The first spool to be placed won’t overlap with anything, but as the play area builds spools can end up being in the loops of two, three, or even more words.

After all spools and strings have been played, players write down their words for each spool on an individual scorecard. So for instance, if a spool is within the strings with the words dark, broken, and electrical, you might write something like “storm”. Or if a spool is yellow and bitter, you could write “lemon”. This section of the game is all about thinking fast and jotting down your answers – there are bonus points for finishing quicker than the other players!

Finally players read out their answers – if any two players have the same answer, they cancel each other out. And if any player feels a given answer doesn’t really represent the words in question, they can call Knit Wit and put it to a vote. Players compare scores, and the highest wins!

Sam says

Very reminiscent of the equally-fun (to me) Codenames, Knit Wit has the advantage of being much faster to play... once you're familiar with the venn-diagram-gone-mad set up. Lovely game.

The guru's verdict

  • Take That!

    Take That!

    The only possible frustration with the game is that you're on the tip of a great answer and you run out of time.

  • Fidget Factor!

    Fidget Factor!

    Almost zero. The spools and string get played quickly, and then it's everybody playing at the same time.

  • Brain Burn!

    Brain Burn!

    There's no maths and no choices to fret over. The only brain-burning is coming up with words to describe each spool.

  • Again Again!

    Again Again!

    Quick to learn, quick to play, with a huge amount of words to get through.