That´s Not a Hat!

Designed by: Kasper Lapp

That’s Not a Hat! is a memory game designed to cause conniptions and consternation. Everything seems simple at the beginning: everyone gets a single card in front of them with a picture on it of something easily-identified: a chair, a yoyo, a hat. The starting player flips their card face-down and passes it to their neighbour (the back of the card tells you which way to pass it) and announce aloud what the picture is.

Whomever received the card now does the same with their own card, and so the game proceeds with cards being passed around and announced, and very soon all the cards are hidden and everyone is trying to keep in mind not just what the card they have in front of them is, but whether the card they’ve been passed is actually what the passer tells you it is. It’s surprisingly easy to lose track, especially in bigger groups, and the mild panic or faux confidence it induces around the table is what the game is going for.

If anyone doubts they’ve really been passed what they’re being told it is, they can challenge the veracity of it, and the card is revealed. Whoever loses the challenge keeps the card as a penalty and draws a new one from the deck – first to three penalty cards loses!

Sam says

Brilliantly stupid fun, That's Not a Hat is a memory game that is less about recall and more about confidence and trying to bluff your way out of a hole.

The guru's verdict

  • Take That!

    Take That!

    None really. There are challenges and you might be challenged, but the vibe is more chaotic than combative

  • Fidget Factor!

    Fidget Factor!

    Absent. When you're not having turns you're watching and trying to keep track!

  • Brain Burn!

    Brain Burn!

    Extremely low. The rules couldn't be simpler, so the challenge is a memory one

  • Again Again!

    Again Again!

    Great for large groups or parties, although possibly not one to play excessively in the same session.